Common Name
Slender Darling Pea, Slender Swainsona, Murray Swainson-pea
Perennial forb, prostrate or to 30cm tall. Leaves 2-10cm long overall, compound, with 3-11 leaflets, each 0.5-3cm long, 1-2.5mm wide, hairless to hairy, margins flat or curved upwards, tips pointed. Flowers pink drying purple, pea-shaped, with 5 petals, 2 almost joined together, in 3-20 flowered racemes on stalks arising from the bases of the leaves. Vulnerable Australia. Vulnerable NSW. Protected NSW. Vulnerable SA. Endangered Vic. Threatend list Vic.
Description and photo in GM Cunningham, WE Mulham, PL Milthorpe and JH Leigh (1981 and later printings) Plants of Western New South Wales page 417. Note that subspecies are no longer recognised.
PlantNET description: http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=Swainsona~murrayana
NSW Department of Environment and Heritage profile: http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/threatenedspeciesapp/profile.aspx?id=10779